
General Guidlines

Visa Information

Requirements for Application

  • Valid Medical Certificate issued by a medical facility recognized by the health authorities of the respective countries, of having no symptoms of acute respiratory illness (fever and cough or shortness of breath)
  • Passport with minimum six months’ validity,
  • Two passport size colour photographs (35 mm x 45 mm / recently taken),
  • One completed visa application form (Please note that it is required to specify the occupation in detail)
  • Attached one photocopy of identity card or driving licence (copy of stay permit for non-Italian citizens).

Important note

  • The Embassy reserves the rights of refusal for issuance of any form of visas without providing any reason.
  • If visa application is rejected the Embassy will not be legally liable for the return of the visa fees provided for the visa issuance process.
  • Applicant’s job relating with media will need prior approval from relevant authorities in Myanmar.
  • The Consular section reserves the rights to check and request relevant documents in additional to those submitted by the applicant.
  • The latter is hereby informed that submitting the application does not apply to guarantee the issuance of visa.

Permanent Resident System

`Myanmar government has commenced a Permanent Resident System in Myanmar by approving the law and announced the news officially in the daily newspapers accordingly on 18th November 2014. Please be informed that the applications will be accepted starting from 29th December 2014 at the following address:

No. 111, 37th Street, Kyauk Tatar Township, Yangon.
The detailed information is available at the website www.mip.gov.mm

Types of Visas in Myanmar

Based on the purpose of travel, Myanmar visas are divided into:

  • Myanmar Tourist Visas, issued to foreigners who will enter the country for tourism and other recreational purposes
  • Myanmar Business Visas, issued to foreigners who will enter the country to conduct business (attend meetings or conferences, negotiate, etc)
  • Myanmar Social Visa, issued to ex-Myanmar citizens or foreigners who have family relationships to a Myanmar citizen
  • Myanmar Employment Visa, which is issued to foreigners who will come to work in Myanmar
  • Myanmar Crew Visa, issued to aircrew members
  • Myanmar Transit Visa, which is issued to foreigners who have to transit in Myanmar while on their way to a third country. This type of visa is only valid for 24 hours.


Office Hour:
Monday to Friday
09:30 hrs to 13:00 hrs
14:00 hrs to 16:30 hrs

Contact Us

Via Caldonazzo snc 00135 Rome, Italy

Consular Section

Office Hour:
Monday to Friday
09:30 hrs to 13:00 hrs