Ambassador Hmway Hmway Khyne participated in the photo exhibition showcasing the rich culture and beauty of Myanmar (6 December 2024)

A photography exhibition was inaugurated at the Via Pasquale Villari 39 in Florence, Italy on 6 December 2024. This exhibition was organized by Mr. Andrea Vannini, Myanmar Honorary Consul in Florence for Tuscany Region and presented the photos taken in Myanmar by photographer Alessandro Moggi. This event led to the creation of a collection of over 20 photographs from different cultural spotlights in Myanmar, highlighting not only the richness of cultural practices but also the different lifestyles of Myanmar people.
On this special exhibition, the invitation had been extended to 250 delegates from Tuscany region, making the event a significant moment of intercultural meeting and dialogue. The exhibition was not limited to the simple display of photographs but aimed to contribute the participants to understand more about Myanmar culture within the Italian community.
The event was followed by a cocktail reception and about 200 people participated in this occasion including the Chairman of Tuscany Branch of Confindustria, the Director of the Bank of Italy and the Professor from the University of Florence.