2024 Mid-Year Gems Emporium kicks off in Nay Pyi Taw (19th November 2024, Myanmar News Agency)

The first day of the Mid-Year Gems Emporium 2024 was held at the Maniyadana Jade Hall in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning. Starting in the morning, local and foreign jewellers could see pearl and jade lots on display inside and outside the Maniyadana Jade Hall, and proposed prices were put into tender boxes.
At the emporium, a total of 280 pearl lots, 160 gem lots, and 4,800 jade lots in groups A, B, and C will be sold through open tender systems. Pearl lots will be sold on 19 and 20 November, gem lots will be sold on 21 November, Group A and Group B jade lots will be sold from 22 to 24 November, and Group C jade lots will be from 25 to 27 November.
The emporium sets floor prices in US dollars for sales of pearl lots and gem lots. Foreign gem merchants can make payments in the US dollar, euro, yuan, baht, and other foreign currencies permitted by the Central Bank of Myanmar. Local merchants can make payments in foreign currency or Myanmar kyats.
The prices for Group A and Group B jade lots are set in the US dollar, and local and foreign gem merchants can purchase them. Foreign gem merchants can pay for jade lots from A and B groups in the US dollar, euro, yuan, baht and foreign currencies allowed by the Central Bank of Myanmar. Local gem merchants can pay for Group A in foreign currencies and for Group B in foreign currencies or Myanmar kyats. Jade lots from Group C are sold with the aim of promoting MSME entrepreneurs, and only local gem traders are allowed to purchase in Myanmar kyats.
In addition, gems and jewelry shops are opened in the Maniyadana Jade Hall and are flourishing with shoppers.
The emporium will be held from 18 to 27 November.

Source: Myanmar News Agency